CITES Cybersecurity Solutions

Ddynamic access and data protection for Microsoft 365 apps, Nutanix files and drobox

Real Time, Attribute-Based Access & Sharing Control

NC Protect provides advanced data-centric security for collaboration applications including Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Online and on-premises, OneDrive, Teams, Yammer and Exchange emails, as well as Nutanix Files, Dropbox and Windows File Shares.

It discovers, classifies and secures unstructured data including files, messages and chat content. Access and security are dynamically adjusted based on real-time comparison of user context and file content to make sure that users access, use and share files according to your business regulations and policies.

Data Discovery, Protection & Compliance

NC Protect is both content and context aware to automatically find, classify and secure unstructured data on-premises, in the cloud and in hybrid environments.

Dynamic, granular information protection without the complexity

NC Protect augments authentication using the unique identity a file builds over time. It starts the moment a file is first saved, with its content, name, authorship and date stamps. Throughout its life cycle it gains additional transient context such as the file location or information repository and classification levels.

Access and usage rights are applied by blending traditional user permissions with granular business information such as security level or project team. Additionally, NC Protect leverages attributes such as IP address, device, browser or time of day.

NC Protect takes your data security policies and enforces them completely and transparently for each and every user and device.

  1. Classify content based on the sensitivity of its contents
  2. Adjust protection based on file and user context – including email recipients
  3. Apply business policies to files as they move between people and locations
  4. Encrypt individual files only when the situation requires
  5. Change file protection when the usage context changes
  6. Limit details of files and properties so users can’t discover security policies
  7. Add a custom watermark to Word, PowerPoint, Excel and PDF documents

Secure all your collaboration
with a single solution

SharePoint & Office 365

Intelligent Data Security for Office 365 and SharePoint Collaboration

Microsoft Teams

Conditional Access and Protection for Teams Chat and Files


Protect Yammer Files from Unauthorized or Accidental Sharing


Discovery, Protection & Auditing for Cloud Collaboration

File Shares

Ensure Data Compliance and Security for File Share Content

Nutanix Files

Dynamic Data Discovery, Classification & Security for Nutanix Files